Setting yourself up for 2021

the onset
3 min readFeb 9, 2021

2020 was a rollercoaster of a year to say the least. It can confidently be said that everyone would have been confronted with a bunch of challenges. If nothing else, it taught us to expect the unexpected and be prepared.

Setting goals and being accountable for them, big or small, will pave the way for 2021 to be a winning year. There’s never been a better time to implement simple strategies and map out achievable goals to set yourself up with clarity and confidence for personal and professional growth throughout the year. In this post we’ll give you the inside track on our favourite ways to do it! Here are our top 5 tips for hitting 2021 out of the park.

  1. Reflect

Set aside some time initially to think about last year and consider what worked well for you and what didn’t. What was your pit and peak? Did you reach your goals that you set? If you didn’t, were they achievable?

You might take a moment to have coffee with a colleague or seek feedback from a manager on the year, understanding what went well and where you might make some adjustments for the year ahead.

Then, draw a line in the sand for 2020. Accept it happened, and move on.

  1. Set up new goals

After gaining clarity from addressing the previous year’s high and low points, you can make achievable objectives for the new year. Avoid making resolutions that will fizzle out by the time February rolls around. Yes, we all want to get fit and earn more money. Instead, develop a list of specific and measurable goals that are important to you and are realistic. Check out more tips on SMART goals here.

Make a spreadsheet, a visual mood board or whatever gets you organised and motivated. Have it on your desk or somewhere that you see everyday so that you can change, add to or tick off throughout the year.

It is important to not just dot-point your goals, but to make note of what is needed to achieve them. For example, to run a marathon by the second quarter of the year, I will need to train 3 times a week and my training will need to progress by xyz. Without this, it is only a vision. Use a template to get you going like these printable or digital goal trackers here.

  1. Prepare for obstacles

If 2020 has taught us one thing, it is to expect the unexpected. Things don’t always go to plan and this will also apply to your goal setting. Think about what might get in your way and potential hurdles you may need to overcome. Identify these and update your list and timeline along the way.

  1. Action

Mark out the key dates that you’re aiming for in your calendar and set reminders to review what you have or have not achieved so far. Tick off the steps that you have already completed to reach your goal and continue to develop your plan.

Discuss with your colleagues and manager. Get their insight on how you are managing your work and time and how they think you could develop further to fulfil your objectives.

  1. Be accountable

Plan to fail if you fail to plan. Schedule a time where you can update your timeline to make it more achievable or push yourself harder to reach your goals. Understand and acknowledge what hasn’t been accomplished and what you need to do to make it happen. Expect to adjust your priorities throughout the year but don’t ignore the reason they may have changed.

Set yourself up for success and keep yourself motivated throughout the year. Anything unknown could be waiting on the horizon but don’t put off your big ideas. Having a plan in place will ensure you for growth and the potential to kick those goals.

It’s natural that as you go through this process, you might realise you’re keen to explore a new career opportunity. If you do, get in touch with us and we can work through it together.



the onset

The Onset is Australia’s leading technology recruiter. Recruiting across Software Engineering, Product, Data Analytics, Cyber Security, Marketing & DevOps.